Our kids aren’t blueberries

I recently sent a link to a great story that connects kids with Blueberries. No, these are not computer-Blackberries.It is about a lecture that was given by Jamie Volmer. Jamie was giving a speech to teachers where he was connecting education with a business model.http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifhttp://teachers.net/gazette/JUN02/vollmer.html I sent this link to […]

Building Community through Blogs

Blogs . . . Blogs . . . Blogs . . . Blogs are a wonderful way to communicate with others about your ideas and develop a community of like-interested folk who want to discuss things. At first, I wrote “Like-minded folk” in the previous sentence, but that could and […]

Building Community through Blogs

Blogs . . . Blogs . . . Blogs . . . Blogs are a wonderful way to communicate with others about your ideas and develop a community of like-interested folk who want to discuss things. At first, I wrote “Like-minded folk” in the previous sentence, but that could and […]

Building Community through Blogs

Blogs . . . Blogs . . . Blogs . . . Blogs are a wonderful way to communicate with others about your ideas and develop a community of like-interested folk who want to discuss things. At first, I wrote “Like-minded folk” in the previous sentence, but that could and […]

Building Community through Blogs

Blogs . . . Blogs . . . Blogs . . . Blogs are a wonderful way to communicate with others about your ideas and develop a community of like-interested folk who want to discuss things. At first, I wrote “Like-minded folk” in the previous sentence, but that could and […]

a $100 computer for only $300

What a Deal!!!!! You have probably heard of the MIT $100 computer by now. This is a computer that is designed to make computing available for underdeveloped countries. The proposed $100 machine will be a Linux-based, with a dual-mode display—both a full-color, transmissive DVD mode, and a second display option […]

a $100 computer for only $300

What a Deal!!!!! You have probably heard of the MIT $100 computer by now. This is a computer that is designed to make computing available for underdeveloped countries. The proposed $100 machine will be a Linux-based, with a dual-mode display—both a full-color, transmissive DVD mode, and a second display option […]

a $100 computer for only $300

What a Deal!!!!! You have probably heard of the MIT $100 computer by now. This is a computer that is designed to make computing available for underdeveloped countries. The proposed $100 machine will be a Linux-based, with a dual-mode display—both a full-color, transmissive DVD mode, and a second display option […]

a $100 computer for only $300

What a Deal!!!!! You have probably heard of the MIT $100 computer by now. This is a computer that is designed to make computing available for underdeveloped countries. The proposed $100 machine will be a Linux-based, with a dual-mode display—both a full-color, transmissive DVD mode, and a second display option […]

Podcasting Workshop for Carver Fellows

I had the privilege of presenting a 45-minute workshop on podcasting for the UNI Interdisciplinary Carver Fellowship. This workshop, Podcasting in the Classroom, was meanthttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif as an introduction to the world of podcasting and ideas for how it can be used in the classroom. I have a few notes here […]