100 Best YouTube Videos for Teachers

WOW!!!! Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, John Costilla shares a list of the Top 100 Videos for Teachers provided by SmartTeaching.org. This list of videos have been divided into 9 different categories including history, arts, science, language, classroom management, How-Tos and a variety of others. I […]

Web Tools Adorn 21st Century Bloom’s Taxonomy

Richard Overbaugh’s image Bloom’s Taxonomy has a new face. Well, actually it isn’t so new. If it were a human, it would be old enough to drive. Back in 1956, Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues realized that they didn’t have the common vocabulary to discuss types of questions that would […]

Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!

Yes, Osama Bin Laden is Dead!!!After a long 10 year of war and terrorist attacks, we have finally killed the head of the snake.Yes, there will be other heads who will be trying to graft themselves onto the top of the Al-Qaeda reptile, but this is a huge accomplishment in […]

Poof! Your iPad Becomes an Interactive Whiteboard

I have never been a big fan of the Interactive Whiteboards (IWB).  We continually cry for more student-centric problem-based learning curriculum and then we introduce these BIG TICKET devices to maintain the teacher’s control of the classroom. Where is the sense in that? We need to provide a system where […]

ITEC Student Tech Fair

Students are the Center of Attention this week for the Iowa Technology and Education Connection (ITEC) organization. Movies, graphics and robots have invaded sites statewide as Iowa K-12 students share their technology projects this week. Sponsored by the Iowa Technology and Education  This Student Technology Fair occurs as three fairs […]

Triple-Screens on my MacBook Pro

Yes, it’s true. You are seeing triple screens running with my MacBook Pro without any external splitter hardware. Cast of Characters (from the left):–iPad I (bought 3 wks before iPad II was released)–MacBook Pro–Scavenged flatscreen monitor. The flat screen is just connected using a VGA dongle to connect it as I […]

Returning to the Grid

I am doing it again. I have returned to blogging my ideas so that I can hear your feelings on these topics. It isn’t until I leave to a different strand of life that I realize how connected to “The Grid” I really am.  As a professorial geek, I typically […]