Well, I’m back from the ISTE ’13 conference in San Antonio in late June. We had a wonderful time. Gaming was the theme of the conference and it was exciting to see Joan McGonagal talk about how life changing gaming can be. She autographed my book with “Play with Purpose.”
One of my highlights was my opportunity to share my ideas about Making Learning Meaningful to Millennial students. I was honored that ISTE decided that my presentation should be video broadcast to those who couldn’t make the conference. These broadcasts were recorded and are available through the ISTE channel on YouTube.
I decided that instead of providing a lecture full of facts and platitudes about what Meaningful Learning meant, I would provide a framework for the content but it would be more important to create a learning environment that demonstrated what we were discussing.
I was quite impressed with quality of the video production. Thank you for your work.
What do you think? I think that it went well. Were you there? If so, how did you like it?
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