I first found this book a few years ago at the ITEC conference in Des Moines. They had Peter Reynolds as a guest speaker. Peter spoke about The Dot book in his presentation and I immediately fell in love with the book. I stood in line for an hour to get him to autograph a couple of copies so that I could give them to our grandsons.
My favorite part of this story began while he was drawing a picture related to the book in the front cover. I asked him, “When you draw, do you have the picture in your mind and then work to represent it on the paper?” He thought about it for a minute and replied “No, I see the picture on the paper and then I just need to connect the dots.” Fascinating!
Originated by an Iowan
This is also National Online Learning Day. This day “showcases how students of all ages are thriving with the ability to learn online—anywhere, anytime.”
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