Wordle: Turning Text into Art

We live in a visual world. Pictures are processed 50,000 times faster than works so anytime that words can be replaced or augmented by images, then new insight and deeper meaning can be conveyed.

Wordle is a “word art” tool that analyzes text or websites to produce a visual representation of the content. Wordle analyzes the “important” words and then creates a “word cloud” where the size of the words is determined by the frequency of use. Here is an example of a Wordle graphic that has analyzed the Dr. Z Reflects site.

How Can Wordle be Used?
Wordle is cool, not doubt about it, but what are the practical applications for it? Obviously, Wordle is a tool that can be used to provide an objective analysis of our writing.

  • Do we tend to use He more than She?
  • Am I using I a great deal as I write about what I believe that I should be doing with my eyes?
  • What words do successful authors use that makes them so appealing?

Let’s see what Wordle-using educators have to say:

Here’s a Wordle created using the Qur’an:

Do you use Wordle? If so, how? What do you see as prime applications for this tool?


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