Have You Seen the Taxonomy of Global Connection?

In their 2012 book, Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds: Move to Global Collaboration One Step at a Time, Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis created a Taxonomy of Global Connection that shows a hierarchy of 5 different levels of online interaction.  It begins with connecting students in a class using Web 2.0 tools […]

Iowa Education Hashtags

How do we contact the educators in Iowa? We could email them, but we would need all of their email addresses. We could send them post cards, but that is costly. We could text them, but we would have to know their phone numbers. We could tweet them, but then […]

The Anatomy of a 21st Century Classroom

We have talked about the differences between 20th and 21st century classrooms, but here is a chart that describes the anatomy of a 21st century classroom.  You will see that it is divided into the 4 C’s of the Partnership for a 21st Century work suggests plus Research. You will […]

Dr. Z Has Gone Pink!!!

You know, Angela Maiers says that when you engage in social media at least 30% of it should be personal.  Including the personal part in your blog provides an opportunity for your readers to see who you are and what you do. Here It Is!!!  Time for RAGBRAI!!! Every year […]

11 Tips for Keeping Up with Technology

Theser are some great tips for keeping up.  It was created by @sylviaduckworth The main message is “Don’t try to keep up with it all and build your networks of colleagues to help you keep learning.” Do you have any tips that you would add to this?  Please leave them […]